Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cry, Baby, Cry

What is it about babies and crying??? They say there are three reasons they cry: They are hungry, tired or dirty... Well, I say that is bs. I personally think she cries because she is teaching my wife and I a lesson for some ill doing in our earlier years. Perhaps she's trying to pass a small nation through her intestinal track? Who really knows what she needs or wants? She definitely has us stumped. I'm amazed at the lengths we will go to, to make her "happy", whatever that means....we sing to her, we bounce her, we carry her, we basically go to the ends of the earth to kiss her ass and she still wants more! Right now as I write this post, I've finally gotten her to sleep for a bit by turning on my stereo and putting it on a fuzzy channel to get some white noise. For now it seems I have won the battle, but for some reason, I think she'll win the war....


JoBu said...
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JoBu said...

Maybe Isla just wants some tri-tip and a nice IPA?